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RCT3 Coaster Problem - Printable Version

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Coaster Problem - Legomanbill - Jun 12, 2013

Hello all. I have an issue that I would like to see if anyone knows a solution to.
It seems that whenever I have a curve directly after the station or lift hill, the coaster cars come to a halt on them, and this is occuring on all types of coasters. As a result, several old tracks that I uploaded from RCT2 do not work. Is there a way to fix this, or is this something I will just have to live with. (I may have re-unearthed the reason why I don't like RCT3)


RE: Coaster Problem - SFGAzone - Jun 12, 2013

Very strange I will get some more knowledgeable members on here to help you.

RE: Coaster Problem - FlightToAtlantis - Jun 13, 2013

Once it’s placed in your park click on the ride, then click on the “operating mode” tab, the one with the gear wheels, third from the bottom I think.
Select the option for low friction.

Although in RCT3 the coasters won’t go as far before the lift hill as they did in RCT2, this helped with some of my RCT2 rides that I imported.

As a matter of interest I’ve also noticed that in RCT2 the track brakes were absolute while in RCT3 they’re relative. As a result of this I have a few imported rides I've had to abandon because the brakes aren't all that in RCT3.

RE: Coaster Problem - Legomanbill - Jun 14, 2013

Thanks! I will have to give that a try to see if it helps.

Edit: It seems that I do not have a low friction option, is that normal?

RE: Coaster Problem - FlightToAtlantis - Jun 15, 2013

If you have found the ‘operating mode’ option and don’t see the selection for ‘low friction’ then possibly this selection is only available in the expansions. Are you playing RCT3 Vanilla, or Soaked! or Wild!?

RE: Coaster Problem - Legomanbill - Jun 15, 2013

I have just plain old RCT3.

RE: Coaster Problem - FlightToAtlantis - Jun 15, 2013

Vanilla was released in October 2004 and I just read the ReadMe dated February 2005 that indicates at that time they added the grease tracks option specifically to help with importing RCT1 and RCT2 rides. That would indicate the grease option was part of an update and that you have the very first release of Vanilla.

In view of this you could try finding and applying one of the Vanilla updates or perhaps get one/both of the expansions which will surely have that included.

RE: Coaster Problem - lordddark462 - Jun 15, 2013

The problem is you need a slight down hill after the chain to gain some speed for the turn. Your cars don't have enough speed to make it around the turn.

RE: Coaster Problem - Legomanbill - Jun 16, 2013

Well, I found the update that has the low friction addon and it has helped quite a bit.
Thanks for your help!

RE: Coaster Problem - FlightToAtlantis - Jun 17, 2013

(Jun 16, 2013, 09:39 AM)Legomanbill Wrote: Well, I found the update that has the low friction addon and it has helped quite a bit.
Thanks for your help!

Great stuff! You're welcome. Cool