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Hi there!

I found this site through the MyBB forums Smile and I've been meaning to signup for a while, but then the site went down. Now it's back up again I've decided to join.

I've played all the RCT games (except Thrillville which I didn't think much of). RCT3 is my favourite though! Unfortunately my PC which has it installed on is currently sporting the BSOD so I'm gonna install it on my laptop and see if I can make something in time for the Featured Coaster Competition.

Well, that's me.

Jordan ( :

Good luck with your computer (you did mean "blue screen of death" by that acronym, right?) and sorting it all out. Hopefully it (RCT3) works on your laptop!

... Nice to see somebody else here...
- Adat -

What are Macs proud of? ... Being able to run Windows! ... Go figure.
Welcome to RCTgo! Thanks for joining. Smile

Hopefully RCT3 works on your laptop, otherwise we may not have any entries! Wink This is a message to everyone - remember, you can't win if you don't enter!

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