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No platform for overlay (Cedar Point, Gatekeeper)

Hello fellow RCTers....

I am wondering if anyone has any advice in regards to an error I am seeing when I try to build a wing coaster using the CTR nightflight files. The track shows up in my coaster list. However, when I chose the to build a custom track or click on a pre-existing design RCT3 freezes and I see an error window which displays "no platform for overlay". In the window I see this path: Tracks\Platforms\Vanilla\Seizmic

I click the "ok" button in the error (building a custom track) RCT3 comes back and it seems I can lay track; (choosing a pre-existing design) throw up an error window "DivingLoop90Right:sid" with the the following text in the error window "No :svd for :svd".

I confirmed the download locations of the zip files and their locations are correct. Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
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First thanks so much for writing more in your message than, “Im trying to bild a ride and th game crshes help urgently.”

With all the information you’ve provided we can get right to it. You’ve been very careful making sure the files are where they should be so I don’t believe there is any difficulty that they’re not installed properly.

The no svd for sid error means one of two things:

1. The files requested by the game engine are missing or are not where the game needs to find them (doesn’t seem to be a problem in your case).
2. The files requested by the game engine are corrupted.

It happens sometimes that compressed files will spontaneously corrupt simply because this is their nature. They may corrupt during download, during de-compression, or very rarely even when the custom artist uploads them.

I’d recommend re-downloading, de-compressing and re-installing the CTR and trying again.
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