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Can anyone help plz in need of some help

Hi guys hope all is well .Hmmm where to begin ok here goes I came across this intresting website by searching the web on flamingo lands rollercoaster magnum force an came across someone actually made it and shared a link in downloading it and adding it into your RCT3 coaster designs folder well I think it does I not sure because the download did not come with a readme file to say or explain what too do with the file an where it goes once downloaded I checked b4 downloading and I have all expansions has the uploader suggested I have not downloaded any mods or things only this magnum force file on its own and nothing else.So heres were I,d like help please I just can not find this custom rollercoaster by adding it in the coaster design folder have been in game selected sandbox mode looked in my rollercoaster rides and I cant find it at all it seems to not be there is they something am missing and do I need to install something else too find these add ons someone plz help as I would really like this ride in my park BiggrinSmile
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[Image: AMUDExV.png]
(Aug 19, 2013, 05:37 PM)peter36 Wrote: .....
downloading it and adding it into your RCT3 coaster designs folder
plz help as I would really like this ride in my park

Because different rides as created by various artists are installed in a variety of ways I’m afraid it’s my personal policy to not install flat or tracked rides that don’t come with a read me. I know what it’s like to come across a CTR or CFR and to think it’s the greatest thing and I really want it and it does come with a read me and it’s installed following that then the ride won’t work as expected.

Most of us know what to do with CS that doesn’t come with a read me but CFR’s and CTR’s without a read me are a double whammy.

Usually if one person has had difficulties installing a ride most of the other members have had the same problem. If you're like me you really really want that ride and for now no other will do but until you hear from one who has successfully installed it I’d recommend you uninstall this track.
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