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This is my fourth coaster I have supported. It doesn't have the greatest ratings but I liked it and I wanted the experience of supporting an invert. I didn't like how many track sections did not line up for a good connection to the supports so I came up with a way to have a solid connection anywhere.

I keep trying to learn and use something new on each coaster I build. This time it was catwalks, coaster nets and animated station floor.

Type: Compact Inverted
Size: 22 x 21
Excitement Rating: 7.30 (High)
Intensity Rating: 8.80 (Very High)
Nausea Rating: 7.15 (High)
Length: 5,673.35 ft.
Ride Time: 2:05
Air Time: 0:18
Max. Speed: 61.89 mph
Average Speed: 30.79 mph
Max. + Vert. G's: 4.41 g
Max. - Vert. G's: -1.58 g
Max. Lat. G's: 3.24 g
Drops: 20
Highest Drop: 124.37 ft.
Inversions: 6

CS used:
Moby's Steel Jungle v1 & v2
Cpcisco's Steel Chaos
Weber's Aged Footers
ATH Catwalks
A-Goodies for Coaster Set (Support killer)
ImagineerJohn's Animated Coaster Kit (Animated station floor)
Vodhin's Light Set 2
Shadow's Coaster nets
Swirly Tubes

[Image: Ice1.jpg]

[Image: Ice2.jpg]

[Image: Ice3.jpg]

This is what I came up with to use as track connectors using parts from Moby's Steel Jungle v1 & v2. Eight different positions covered every connection I needed for this coaster.
[Image: connectors1.jpg]

[Image: connectors2.jpg]
My Insanely Supported Coaster Vids
Mamba * Menace V2 * Menace V3.1 * Bruiser Falls * Wetness * The Poison
Nice coaster! You're REALLY good at custom supporting! Smile
How Long does it take you to support?
Cool! I like how it looks like a giant knot. Smile
I can do one in about a day or two. I actually did the supports on this one twice. I wasted a lot of time on Ice because I attempted to use ride event lighting. It has too many bugs and has to be spaced at least one tile away from the track or it flickers. The lights on the train affect it as does the track itself. The trains lights also affect the floodlights. Whatever the train passes that is lit up goes dark.

I have finished one other coaster that I learned to block on. I did six trains as my first blocked coaster and have had all of the supports three different colors. I just settled on black.

I started one other strange coaster but stopped working on it after getting it half supported. It is really skinny (109 x 13), has very high excitement and intensity ratings, is very long and the entire width of the sandbox. Eventually I will go back and rebuild it to lower the g forces. I like the coaster but I need to make it more survivable.
My Insanely Supported Coaster Vids
Mamba * Menace V2 * Menace V3.1 * Bruiser Falls * Wetness * The Poison

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