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I'm making my own steelworx and uploading it soon. I'm still testing it. Its called T-coaster's Steelworks 4.0% avalible
(2-3-09) update: Brake platform avalibe in custom senery downloads.
Or catwalk.
Send me a PM and tell me if like it or how srink some of it or anything about it. Or put it here in the forms.
H/A post avalible in custom Senery
Bambo post avalible.
looks like your just using existing scenery and putting it together and saving it as a structure..
you need to start Editing your post instead of posting every time you put something new up. Or until someone replies!
Well, it is'nt. opsss...... I uploaded it in the wronge section. Belloman if you read this please close this.
I could close it, just don't know if belloman has circumstances on closing threads...
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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