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The Unofficial RCTgo Theming Contest: Round 1

Welcome to the First Unoffical RCTgo Theming Contest

[Image: themingcontestlogo.png]

The Rules

The rules are simple, every other week a new flat ride will decided by the winner of the previous round.
This flatride is then the ride you must theme and make it look darn right sexy.

There is no cap on how many entries there are.

With each entry, all that is asked, as a minimum is 3-4 screenshots of what you have done and how you have themed it - this is posted back in to this thread. Also choose a main photo of the 3-4 to be included in the poll thread. You can also add a download of your ride and scenery to go with.

Once the two week period is up, you, the members of the forum will then get to vote in a public poll as to who you want to win. Restrictions being that you cannot vote for yourself.


With the rules stated, i dont think there is anything left to say, any questions ask.

Because there is no previous winner, i will start us off with the typical:

Ferris Wheel
[Image: siggi8.png]
I would like to do this, but I am just not understanding this...As simple as it may be..
each time a winner is made, they choose the flatride to theme. basically, all you have to do is theme the ride specified and make it look good, take some screenies and post them up. then a poll is set and a winner is chosen.
[Image: siggi8.png]
So you chose to start with a Ferris Wheel? Ok so I just make a ferris wheel and decorate it up..easy then.
Which ferris wheel? Does it matter?
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a message
Good question. Not told, so I am gonna use da big daddy... lol
yeah just use which ever one you so long as its ferris wheel and yeh, just decorate it up. simples.
[Image: siggi8.png]

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