If Atari asked you, "What new expansion you want us to create for Rct3," what would you suggest?
I would like them to create a carnival expansion. It will be cool to place a section inside a park so people could play a lot of cool games and stuff like that. An aquarium expansion would be nice too.
I would like to see one where we can build hotels so the peeps could stay in it. I don't know a name though. maby Destinations?
Maybe an expansion that overhauls the graphics engine. Just imagine how good it would look if it was running in the Source enginge, or the Unreal 3 engine, or even the CryEngine.
It would be a thing of pure beauty!
Roller coasters are the solution
Atari will probably never ask us that question, but if they did i would like to have a snow add on where you can make ski slopes, ice skating rinks, snowman areas and what-not. (lol)
Also would be good is an in game scenery designer and a track segment editor so we don't have to use the blocky ones already in the game.
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Yep if I had to wish for something, Coaster should be made with Nodes and Splines like No Limits.
Roller coasters are the solution
Yes but maybe a little less complicated.
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It's not complicated to me really. But I don't know..lol