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Banshee CTR Request

Attention all you fabulous CTR creators, this is for you. I have a request that a ctr for banshee be made that also can have track pieces that can do what banshee can do, (Diving Loops, Diagonal Corkscrews, zer g rolls) Also if a CTR is made, in turn a CT will be made by the wonderful people at Real Tycoon 3. This is my request and I hope someone accepts, thanks! Biggrin
[Image: Sonicteam1000_zpsa5b32a47.png]
Check out my YouTube channel! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-IDncV4...ity_view=3
I'm working on one, but it will be very odd.
I'm using inverted on extended.
Ha, Ha!
I'm pretty sure parallax has been on it for a while.. - http://rctlounge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13774
[Image: 8lbd5Z7.png]
DorneyPark5 | Youtube | Twitter @PaulOrtegs
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It would be nice to have the pieces to make a perfect recreation. I hope to see it soon. I would do it I have the time just don't have the skills. I really think this ride is going to be killer when it opens next year. So for all who are working on making this happen much appreciated!!

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