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You can now upload NoLimits coasters!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that we've opened up the RCTgo Downloads Center to NoLimits coasters. You upload them just like any other download, at rctgo.net/downloads/upload, and they show up in the Roller Coasters section. The only difference is you need to select NoLimits as the game needed when uploading, rather than an RCT3 version.

Please be aware that the RCTgo Downloads Center is now at rctgo.net/downloads. I've changed all of the links on the site, and also added a redirect from the old URL to the new one to make the change as smooth as possible.

Finally, be looking for the next round of the Featured Coaster Competition to be accepting entries soon. It has been delayed further because of these changes, but now that they're done, it can begin!

Does this mean that NoLimits coasters can be entered in the Featured Coaster Competition?
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Yes, once I finish that piece of it.
Nice Belloman! Another great feature for downloads. I wish i could upload rover, I lost it when i reformatted my drive. Frown
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a message
In the download part can you get the 'No Limits' into 'Game Neded' thingimajig so people clearly see what it is!!
When you're uploading, it should show up after you click on "Roller Coaster."
Belloman, you really should make the No Limits tracks separate from the Rct3 ones since ive noticed how confusing it is.
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a message
If you go to rctgo.net/downloads/roller-coasters/nolimits, you'll be given a list of all of the NoLimits files in the Roller Coasters section (and you can do the same for RCT3, Soaked, Wild, and Soaked & Wild). Would it help if I added those links to the top of the page?
Yes. Its kind of confusing seeing your download in the roller coasters section grouped with all the others that go with Rct3 along with the thing near the top that says "RCT3 tracks should be saved to: My Documents / RCT3 / Coasters"
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me a message
I was wondering what I should put for NoLimits tracks - C: / Program Files / NoLimits Coasters v1.x / tracks?

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