Proud Supporter and Helper of RCTgo
So I downloaded this custom particle effect pack from Vodhin's site
It's called Coasterfreak737's Blast Pack and I was just wondering how and/or where do you install custom particle effects and firework shells?:s
I need them for a trailer I'm workin' on.
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Try saving them to Documents / RCT3 / FireworkEffects. That should do it.
Is it custom particle effects or custom firework effects? There's a huge installation difference.
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Proud Supporter and Helper of RCTgo
Well. Both actually.
I have both.
But I noticed that all files end with *.frw
Does that have to do with anything if it's custom particle effects or custom firework effects?
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Roller coasters are the solution
.frw is a custom effect while .fwd is a saved display. Some firework effects packs require you to save them to Program Files / Atari / Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 / Particle Effects
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Firework effects should be saved here:
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\My Documents\RCT3\FireworkEffects
If there are no .OVL files at all in the download, save it as a firework effect. If there are .OVL files, save the .OVL files (should be in a folder) to your style/themed folder. Then save the .frw files to the particle effects folder. My directories are different so I can't give you exact locations.
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Proud Supporter and Helper of RCTgo
Thanks. That really helped.
It worked when I tried it. :2thumbsup:
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