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RCTgo Chatroom

We have a new chatroom here at RCTgo, this one is now hosted by EnterTheGame.com. To visit the Java client, click here or type http://www.rctgo.simgames.net/forums/chat.php in your browser window.

If you have mIRC or some other IRC client on your computer, here are the details:
Server: irc.enterthegame.com
Channel: #rctgo
Username: Your forums username (to resist confusion)

The special thing about the Java client is that when you are logged in and you go to the chat, your username is your forums username, so you don't hav to change your username when you enter.

How do I change my nick?
Use this command while in the chatroom:
/nick NewNickHere

What if I have more questions?
Feel free to ask in this thread or in the chat and we will be glad to help you! =)
Wow what a nice addition to the site, it fits in well. Will we have official chats e.g the release of 2.0:?:

[Image: newsig.gif]

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