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Gigasaurus Rex - Round 27 Winner

[Image: logo_small.png]
Round 27 Winner

The latest winner of the featured coaster competition is RollerToaster's "Gigasaurus Rex", voted on by you! "Gigasaurus Rex" beat the other two entries with 4 votes and 44% of the vote.

Prehistoric theme Giga Coaster

Excitement: 9.12

Intensity: 6.54

Nausea: 4.60

...has 2 themed stations and 4x3 car trains that run simultaneously ...and comes with 2 dinosaur ride events

You can now submit your entries at rctgo.net/featured-coasters/upload. Remember - only the first three submitted get in the poll for winner!
Congratulations! That's the one I voted for Smile
[Image: 3.png]
Congratulations! :clap: Gr8 job on winning the FCC!
Click here to go to my Youtube Channel.
[[Image: tcsworldbanner.png]
Please people join RCTgo it's awesome!
Please join TC's world!
Only 4 votes? This FCC should of had more votes LOL. Congrats.
I remebered I voted for Wave Rider...
Click here to go to my Youtube Channel.
[[Image: tcsworldbanner.png]
Please people join RCTgo it's awesome!
Please join TC's world!
SO over all I probably only got one. See RCT2 is out dated! LOL
Congrats to the winner!

I voted for your coaster T-coaster... Biggrin
L0rdG1gabyt3's Machinima Community - For When Rollercoasters Aren't Enough[Image: l0rdg1gabyt3.png]
Really? Atleast I know someone like my coaster. =s
Congrats!! :clap:
[Image: image11kkz.jpg]

Thanx to all the 4 peeps that voted 4 me :-0 ...looking forward to seeing what comes up in the next round - which I'm sitting out cos I got exams - but I'm gonna b back with a vengeance :-) (next project, to make myself one $#^%$#! of a banner!)

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