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Finally declaring this a finished project. final images are on page 3 of replies
I love how the track interacts with the station.
[Image: yZzmSgV.png]
I like Coaster with an Background of there Names, so "Kodama" is what i like to see Smile

Layout is looking fine and smooth Wink
(The Cobra Roll looks a little bif "fat", maybe it's the angle of the screens or because you used the "large Corkscrew" - "little half-loop" as combo)

I agree with Andrew, the "Heartline-Roll" at the beginning interacts nice with the station.

That could be a really nice "japanese" Style Coaster in the end.
(dont forget to build a Zen-Garden) Tongue

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
the cobra roll is fat, its because the half loops dont tilt sideways. the large corkscrews dont help but normal corkscrews are far too sharp for it to be smooth so i dont use them
This is a amazing coaster. I love seeing unique stuff!
done about 50% of the painting..... this is going to be the death of me

[Image: Z60AYoN.jpg]
Looking good so far Wink

Maybe a little pond/lake could be nice as an little water-source Smile, the area right from the Ferris-Wheel were an option, perhaps after the "Inclined Loop".
With an Splasheffect that would be a nice feature for the Guests.

Yeah, custom terrain painting is an time intense job, but the result is what counts in the end.

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
im gonna this wont be done until at least next week now. the terrain is taking a lot longer than i thought it would, but it is close to being done. i have only been able to do a small bit of painting at a time before getting eye strain so that isnt helping.

anyway, i am not sure on what type of trees to use. i want something tall and preferably appears in Japanese forests.
also, any other features that could look good other than a river and a zen garden?
finally finished the main bulk of terrain painting the other day. i added a river and a mountain/hill, that just needs a quick paint to make it look more hilly.
just finished with the supports but there are a few i dont like. mainly the diving loop, sideways loop, and the cobra roll..... oh, and the zero G roll.
still need to do trees, rocks, and a few little things but wouldnt mind suggestions on what to include

new pics: http://imgur.com/a/4GJlI
Take a look to an support Tutorial from "silvarret" on youtube.
Ther you can see how to support a Zero-G-Roll Wink, your support looks like more to an ladder Tongue.
But custom supporting is all about practice, so you will getting bettter and better automatically Smile

Some Hints:
- supports on staight not banked parts -> use the "slant" parts not the "angle" ones
- try to have no supports on an footpath -> change the footpath or change the supports Wink
(both things i've seen on the track before the train comes back to the station)

- on track-parts where the supports are really short, it's necessary to terraform the land.
Because if you are placing footers in the end the footer are more in the track than under it Biggrin
Two options: first you made an smooth terraforming under it, or second you create an trench.
In the case that you build an natural coaster with trees around, i think an smooth terraforming would be fits better than an sharp, deep trench.

Allways helpful, take a look on real coasters (www.rcdb.com) for example.
So you can see how much lifthill supports are build, or how some supports are build if scenary is interacting the coaster track, like "Montu @ BGT".

Additional to Moby's Steel jungle. i would use "CoasterJoes B&M Connectors" to avoid track glitches Wink and sometimes "CPcisco'sSteel Chaos (MSJ Addons)" are useful, too. Because there are some "offset" parts in it so it makes it easier to have supports on difficult track parts.

The terrain painting looks good and fits perfectly to the colors of the coaster.

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]

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