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New to this forum

Hello to all
I am new so some of terms you take as vocabulary is a mystery to me. The one that causes me trouble is CTR . Tried to install nightlight an d it does not work. Do I need scenery or something . I am figuring most things out. That is f un to a point. This is frustrating. I reall never thought I would spend hours tweaking other peoples parks. To all creators thanks.
you need to make sure all folders are in the right directory, there are numerous tutorials on youtube im sure youll get it plus as a rule the folders and the files in the folders should follow the same layout as the tracks, coasters, and cars that are default
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]

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