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RCT3 CTR Problem

this is the first time I write in forums rctgo.
I have a little problem with the CTR in RCT3.
the problem is that when I install the CTR in RCT3 some function properly, however some work but are upside down, that people should stand with your head instead of being with the head down. I also tried to reinstall the CTR, but is the same.
I do not know if you understand, maybe I have not explained very well.
can someone help me?
Thanks. BiggrinBiggrinBiggrinBiggrin
If you're talking about roller coaster tracks I might have a solution.

I downloaded Revolutionary Ride's Expedition Grizzly and the track is upside down. What you have to do is place one station piece and then where you see the option to make banked turns, you'll see the upside down one is highlight. Click on the right-side up one and place a track piece. Build your station from there and then delete the previous upside down station piece.

It works for me everytime. I hope it helps.
all you need to do is pick the track orientation on the bank selector wheel. the non-inverted option should be available to pick.

if that didnt make any sense, just place a piece then do half a twist/barrel roll to get the track the right way up
Thank you. but I can not tell you if it works, this weekend i'm from my grandfather and here I have RCT3.

it works !!! thank you again!BiggrinBiggrinBiggrin

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