Well, i see some potential in it. Some parts are nice and some parts are a bit weird.
I would allways recommend, dont use scenary objects from the addon packs -> because they dont fit with the original objects and dont fit with RCT2 graphic, too.
The station from the woodie looks actually not bad, but the part that is build above the "wood-fence" looks strange. Because brickwalls with an 10m height are only hold/supported from some wooden fences with little poles?!
And i would suggest, dont build all roofs at the same level or the same direction -> looks blocky and boring
Try to mix it up on some parts and give the walls some details, than it could be look much better and more realistic.
Another thing are the tent-roofs over the whole queue-line on every single ride. These are only for sun-protection in real, so they aren't build over the whole path. I would suggest to break it up and place only a few of it on different places above the queue, maybe on positions were an Queue-TV is placed. than it looks less blocky and boring and every queue is a bit different from the other.
Than we have this full covered water-ride. That looks like an hybrid of dark-ride and open ride.
A bit strange. If you want to become a more covered look over it, use the flat "steel crossing" support part and place bushes/shrubs/flowers above it. So you become an more natural looking covering than these rusty steel roofs. And again, don't cover everything of an track (only dark-rides are full covered)
One the last screen the idea with the "flowerbeds" are actually not bad, but same like the roof, mix it up.
Peeps want to see more variety in it. If you travel to an real amusment park they didn't have only one flower with one color in it. They have different ones
And the same counts for RCT, but only if you want to build realistic.
If you want to build "fantasy-style" than you can do what ever you want
So, my suggestions are only for more realistic looking.
Long text, with alot of criticsm in it, but i hope you can understand some of the suggestions i gave.
And if you want to change some parts, okay, but i would say. Leave it as it is, and build your style to the end.
After that you can start a new project and you can try out some of my suggestions.
So you can see the different and maybe you like it or even not.
Maybe, members like "NieSch" or "Terry Inferno" have some hints for you, too.
Because both of them are great RCT2 designers here.
Lg Cheleste
PS: for some inspiration/information check out NE-Design (elite RCT 1&2 Community)