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theme options

is there a list of themes anywhere on the internet? my lack of creativity usually leads me to doing the same themes but i want to do something different.

if there isnt a list, we should make one
(Aug 17, 2014, 02:35 PM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: is there a list of themes anywhere on the internet? my lack of creativity usually leads me to doing the same themes but i want to do something different.

I did a google search and this is what I found

if there isnt a list, we should make one

40 Imaginative Theme Park Ideas

5 Insane Theme Parks You Won't Believe Were Almost Built
When I went further down on the page...this is one of my favorite ideas...
#5. The Life-Size USS Enterprise of Las Vegas (great images)
#4. Six Flags Dubailand
#3. DisneySea
I think they forgot to post the rest of them.Biggrin
Randomly click your scenery list somewhere in the middle and the first 3 sets that you see will be a combination for your next theme?

But if there would be a list, what would be in it?
- Modern
- Asian
- Classical
- Space
- Futuristic
- Nature
- Natural

and so on?

Cheers Smug
Nice start from Clemenets, i'll go on and expand his list a bit Wink

- Medieval
- Egypt
- Jungle
- Roman
- Viking
- SteamPunk
- PostApocalyptic
- Movie/PC-Game themed

There are alot more. The only thing is to find the right CSO-Sets and combiend it together to become the "theme of your dream" Biggrin

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
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