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Sorry I'm late......

ooops, it would seem I've been overlooking RCT3. I never new that the custom building would be so.... massive.
Never mind I've found you now, even if I'm several years late. derp

I'm less interested in playing the game but very interested in making some of my own creations, a quick browse around and I found a huge file of custom scenery, I'm sure you know the one, its over 4gig when uncompressed.

So, rather than throwing the whole lot in there, could anyone advise on the best few to start with.
to give you an idea what I'm likely to try first, I intend to recreate some of the areas of Flamingo Land, just because I've been there several times with my wife and son.

Sadly I cannot build from my own imagination yet, but i'm assuming after a while that will come.

Anyway, Hi, and Thank you, the site look awesome

Hello spine and welcome on RCTgo.

There aren't specific cso sets to recrete specific parks/areas so you must work with alot of different sets and combiend it, test it out which sets and styles fits best to re-create the areas from Flamingo-Land.

But i would recomend, that its allways useful to use "ALL" sets from:

- ShyGuys
- StationJimJr
- OldSpice
- Vodhin

There are alot of other good/great cso sets out there but some of the cso-sets from these are be used allways.
Example: The Mainstreet-Sets from ShyGuy, they are be used 99% to build Mainstreets and generic structures in parks. Because they have all the pieces that we need.
In combination with other more smaller sets you can create alot of different styles with only a few sets.

ShyGuy's (all mainstreet-sets) + Vodhin's (CafeKit/VermontTheme/BenchKit/LightKit) works pretty well together for example.

Don't forget Pathcovers, for smoother looking pathways.
There we've sets from:

- Briantjuh94'sPathcovers 2.0
- sh9032Path Covers
- CoasterJoesPathway Extensions V.1

Fences/Borders from other sets like StationJimJr/ShyGuy fits to the pathcovers and so you become nice and realistic looking pathways Smile

If i forget some sets/cs-designer, the other members here will give you the info which ones could be importent for you, too Wink

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
Thanks Cheleste

Im comming up blank on sh9032Path Covers, a google around also shows other people with the same problem, so hopefully i'll find it soon.

i've also dropped Moby's into there as someone I've been watching on youtube uses them alot.

Cant wait to get started and have a go

Welcome on RCtgo, spine. Smile

Well, Cheleste gives you only the infos about Building/Mainstreet/Foliage CSO's and not the coaster-specific ones. Tongue

But i'll help you out:

on this thread i post my list of importent CSO's, there are alot but still not all.
And i think i forgot some other great CSO-sets, because i've got more than 10GB of CSO's in my themed folder and i dont know every single CSO Rolleyes

But i agree with her, the set's she posted are all helpful and necessary to create good looking parks.
A problem could be, that for new players the switch from NCSO to CSO can be hard.
The mainproblem is this freakign little ingame menü and if you have tons of CSO's, you need sometimes hours to find the one you search for!
So for the start i would recommend that you should use only a few sets and learn how to work with.
After some practice you can handle tons of CSO's in no time.

Soo long, Cobra Cool
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Wow, so it would seem that using custom scenery in RCT3 is mostly a feat of memory (30 mins spent looking for some corner stone I had already used, lol)
Have been messing around for a couple of hours and have got this far (scrreshot)

But I have a couple of question and dont know whether to post in the main part of the forums as they are newb questions

I was hoping to be directed to a decent youtube tutorial on the use of invisible paths/ques/station entry/exits. I've tried having a go but the problem is "they're invisible, lol and I cant see where im putting them, and they end up on the ground instead of on the station.

Also how do I hide all the existing supports on a supplied coater, I hadnt intended on making my own yet. pretty sure I've seen the option when playing the game but cant find it now.

Appologies if these question are not in the right place

[Image: RCT3plus2014-08-3123-50-01-46_zpse582e368.jpg]

(bonus points for guessing which pack I've mostly been using!)
Question can be posted in "RollerCoaster Tycoon Discussion", and it doesn't matter if you have a newbie or a pro question.
Because everyone of us starts as a newbie in the past (and some of us are still newbie's) Tongue

Support-Killer's are included in this set from ShyGuy:
- Gadget Goodies for Coaster Set-flat parts

Invisible Path/Queues can be difficulty or tricky in some point.
I would recommend before you build invisible parts, build it as normal paths/queues and build everything else first, like borders, pathcovers, maybe some foliage/rocks/vegetation.
And if you are near finished, than you can replace every visible/standart path against the invisible one and you have all the borders/fences as an help to find your right way. Smile

The Station looks like you've watched some of "Silvarret"s tutorial-vids on youtube Wink
And i see most parts from ShyGuys MainStreet CSO's in it, especially the "cornice" things and these "edge pattern".
But remember, alot of sets can be used together to create a huge variety of different looks, themes or architecture styles.

Soo long, Cobra Cool

here are some other tutorials they could be helpful later or earlier.

Cartus's Station Tutorial
Cheleste posted this in an thread from her, too.
Its a great tutorial if you want to build a fully themed station and Cartus explain it step by step.
So it easy to learn from.

The basics of "Dark Rides"
"DiogoJ42" made a simple but good tutorial about the basics for building Dark-Rides. It has a lot of pictures and an step by step explaining, like Cartus's Station tutorial. So its easy to learn from it, too.

Meerkat's Landscaping Tutorial
if you don't know how to build good and realistic landscapes with an realstic choiche of vegetation than this tutorial from Meerkat are helpful.
"Supernova" posted it on RCTLounge, infact that the original link is broken down.
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Thanks "Cobra" that you do my job here, so i can relax and sit back more Biggrin

Everything looks correct and helpful.

You post a lot of links, but no link to the "RCTgo Discussion"? Tzz..

I agree with you, it seems like that our new member watched a station tutorial on youtube from silvarret Smile
It looks really Silvarret'ish, thats a good start, infact that this little member from the netherlands has an amazing talent in architecture Wink

Only suggestion:
before you make screens -> use the "David Walsh" cheat -> rename a peep to it, than you can use
"STRG+U" to set off all ingame menü-bars and you have a clean screen.
After the screen, you can set it back with "STRG+U" again.

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]

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