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losing all my projects.....

i sent my laptop off for repair because it was making a funny crackling noise... turns out it was my hard drive. the hard drive is being replaced so i will lose all my projects (and everything else on there).

when i get my laptop back i will probably make another 4D coaster , maybe an arrow one this time.
(Sep 12, 2014, 01:47 PM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: i sent my laptop off for repair because it was making a funny crackling noise... turns out it was my hard drive. the hard drive is being replaced so i will lose all my projects (and everything else on there).

when i get my laptop back i will probably make another 4D coaster , maybe an arrow one this time.

I am not sure if they could do this or not...maybe they could try and save some of your work before they replace it with the new one?

Also, I had lost some of my work because of issues with my old computer. However, I had downloaded many projects to this site. So I was able to get my projects by doing that. If you did the same, I am sure you could download your work to. Smile

I know it can be a hassle going through this. But I hope in the end your computer will be okay for you to use again.

fyi: I always make back ups of my files on my flash drive now. I learned the hard way when my processor over - heated and I lost my work.
I don't know how it goes in other countries, but in Germany IT-Experts copy/past "allways" the currently files from the old/crashed hardrives to the new one.
In my younger years i work for an computer service and learnd this, so i don't know why they DON'T do this on your laptop, too.

But aecrouch7413 is right, its really importent to make back-ups of all of your files on an different place (harddrive/flashdrive or other PC)

Sometimes all these thinks doesn't help to know, if you forget this from time to time Rolleyes
This happens to me in the past, so i lost all my RCT3 projects and the only thing i have are the screenshots that i uploaded here. So yeah, i learned the hard way, too.

What could be helpful is, think positive you can start the projects from scratch and maybe you have new/other ideas for it.
So the second one could be in the end a better version Wink

Soo long, Cobra Cool
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
i have my older ones on an external HDD but my new ones will be gone. it sucks but it will dome good to not have a few projects on the go since i hop between them but never get anything done. now i can focus on just one project.

hopefully they will have some common sense and put the old stuff on the new HDD but i cant see that happening
This is the main reason I'm uploading all of my parks here, so if I ever lose them, I can just download them and act like nothing ever happened.
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