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RCT3 I am closing my account.

I am closing my account. I have e-mailed Justin.
Take care all. And keep up the good designing.
Why are you closing it? I LOVE your structures!
I need a new signature.
(Oct 18, 2014, 02:26 PM)chimalion70005 Wrote: Why are you closing it? I LOVE your structures!

Hi chimalion70005,

Thank you for your nice comment about my structures. I emailed Justin today regarding closing my account. Truthfully, I've been frustrated and annoyed lately by certain things that are happening on this website. Perhaps in the future I may re-open and account. But for now, I say good bye. Keep up the great work.

Just leave those sections and don't enter those areas. You don't have to leave completely, there is no need to.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975
Didn't you leave rctgo like a month ago or something?
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Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!
You will be missed. Take care friend! Until next time! Smile

RCCOA Coasters
Justin hasn't closed my account yet. I appreciate all of your kind words and compliments. I guess I should just stay away from the threads and just look at the other stuff. Not trying to annoy you all. I am not trying to over-react to situations. I was just hoping something would change. There are many good designers on this site. I know some are young, but they are trying and doing their best. I wish there was more positive feedback then negative. All though I do agree that some criticism is needed to help improve a design or one's skill. To much can cause someone hurt feelings and maybe them to stop creating all together. I hope this place becomes a little more positive then the severe criticism and unkind comments. Always, with kindness and respect. So I will give this one more chance.

(Oct 18, 2014, 11:19 PM)invadazimrocks777 Wrote: Didn't you leave rctgo like a month ago or something?

I had thought about closing the account for different reasons. Some users private messaged me and convinced me to stay because of other reasons. Looks like this is happening again. Smile
Your suggestions are always welcome.

(Oct 18, 2014, 10:35 PM)nathan8848 Wrote: Just leave those sections and don't enter those areas. You don't have to leave completely, there is no need to.

Thank you for your suggestions. Others are mentioning the same thing. Perhaps I took an extreme measure. I didn't realize all of my designs I downloaded might be deleted from the site. For that reason to I won't be closing it. I don't mean to drive you all crazy with this back and forth with this issue.


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