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RCT3 RCT3 Tutorial - How To Make Custom Scenery - Silvarret's tutorial

I watched this video and it made things easier for me. Very basic, but it's a start.

RCT3 Tutorial - How To Make Custom Scenery

(sketchup and other plugins required)

I had problems with some of the plugins with the newest version of Sketchup (2015) that was just released. I had to do a search for google sketchup 8. I was able to find that version and use the plugins. Note: I am using Windows 8.1 and the older programs are working fine on my system. However, I would recommend that you choose where to download the older versions from. Read the fine print before downloading anything to your computer. You can also get the plugins from (RCT3 Tools)
Coasterfreaks website http://coasterfreak.wix.com/rct3customscenerydownloads

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