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Weber's Custom Scenery (weber's rct3 land) Does any one have...???

Weber's website:

I've tried to download his custom scenery sets several times now. They come up password protected. Does anyone know how to contact Weber? Or, do any of you have some of his sets? I'm looking for:

Path Enhancement
Boulder's and Brush V1.3

I'd like to get all of his custom scenery from his website. But irritated because of the time I take to download them only to find out they are password protected. FrownConfused
I downloaded a few hours ago from the website and I dont have to fill in a password
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Jinglebells, are you using google chrome or explorer?
I'll try again.
fyi: I use both depending on the website.
I just downloaded stairs and path enhancements as well, and there seems to be no problem, but who uses internet explorer anymore anyway? He could be using firefox though
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

I rarely use internet explorer but keep it because some websites (the older one's) may not work as I have found in the past. I'll try downloading firefox as well. Thanks for the tips. I am not familiar with firefox but like using chrome.
I use always chrome, just because its faster and easy to work
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I was able to download a few of the custom scenery sets from Weber's website. I'll try again later for the others. Maybe it's just busy. I use chrome as well and I prefer it over the others. Thanks for the help.
I dont have any issues with most of Weber's work except for the large rocks and waterfall. Other than that, they work for me.
[Image: ulodap497c2.png]
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