I might be the hardest person here to please, but perhaps I pay too much attention to important details to care about which custom scenery and supports you use. Just know that anything I say about your track is not meant towards you in any way, just your entry.
The Great Dive - This coaster started out strong with a superb underground dive, then the thrill ended abruptly and the train spent 45 seconds traveling at a crawl from a downhill brake section to the station. The ride time from the top of the dive's holding brake to the downhill brake section was under 40 seconds, so more than half the ride after the lift hill is spent at a crawl waiting for the ride to end. At least it gives riders time to admire the lift hill supports.
Dragon Ball - This coaster did the best job of providing interactive scenery this round, and it would have received my vote had the coaster mechanics been improved. Some of the turns were noticeably jerky, and that first, high-speed vertical loop might be partially responsible for those ridiculously high 6.75 Gs if it isn't the first drop's inverted landing. Definitely my favorite when it came to scenery, though.
Noctua - The on-ride lamps were a nice touch, and the paths and surrounding scenery set the scene very well. I wouldn't call it "amazing", because the track looked like it took 5 minutes to make and contained no thrill elements. I understand that it's supposed to cater to a younger audience, but so does Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which you only have to be 40 inches to ride, which is the height of an average 4-year-old according to
this site. Children that age are also prone to falling asleep randomly, so I would keep them off this ride. The low-speed bunny hops and large curves might be too relaxing for them.
Krait - This ride has a great balance of thrills, scenery--including buildings--and excellent terrain work. Everything was done very well, and I can't find much wrong with it if anything. If this ride were created exactly the same in RCT3, I would have said the same thing, and it would have easily won the round. It is unfortunate that people use the "I don't play RCT2, so I can't vote for it" excuse so often, and some people are still convinced for some wild reason that RCT2 coasters do not compare with RCT3 coasters even though they are essentially the same with different graphics, but if RCT2 players ever get their own Build It rounds, perhaps the RCT3 players will learn to love us.