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RCT3 Looking for help building supports

just pointing out that the connector should be the same color at the track
Good point, thanks. ^^
well, it doesnt have to be , not unless you are going for uber realism anyway
Ok, I've taken all your tips to heart, and this is how it finally looks. It's a massive, massive improvement from when I came from.

What do you guys think? Is there anything else you can teach me?
[Image: pkMm0UO.jpg]

[Image: sUaTVDL.jpg]
It looks MUCH better. My main advice would be to remove any excess 'bulk'. You can probably afford to prune down the frequency of the supports, and you can probably remove the diagonal supports used on some of the lower, flat sections toward the end of the ride.

One other consideration: I never let my coaster touch the ground. If you look at real coasters, the track is never built directly on grass or dirt; There is always a support element underneath. Your station platform and the final brake run should be at least one click off of the ground Smile

Much, much better - keep it up!
[Image: caldercitycoasters_zps4ade4f3e.png]
He's right, this is looking soooo much better.
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
Thanks everyone, for all you have done for me.
It's been a great learning experience (it feels great to be "new" at a game you've been playing for over 15 years).

I'm going to start working on Bounty Hunter then. Thanks a lot, once again!
I'm really thankful for all your teaching.

PS. CalderCity, thanks for your suggestions, I'm taking them to heart in my next design (which will be Bounty Hunter).

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