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It's me... I'm here... I dunno.
I really enjoy RCT 3. and it was only recently that I discovered that parks could actually look good.
No - seriously. I never made indoor queues or entrances. I used the default path (nothing wrong with it - just goes to show how inexperienced I was) and I never ever placed scenery. That was like 6-8 months ago.
Then I discovered several tutorials on these things, and I started to get better at making good looking parks. I've started my first official project - check my profile for a post about it. I'll be sure to post further updates there.
Thanks, I'm excited to be here.
Welcome! I did the same thing for a log time when I first started playing RCT3. When I came onto this site I was motivated to learn more. And, like you watched many tutorials on youtube and still do. fyi: you can always make a thread with your work in progress and use that for updates. I'm doing that currently with a project I'm working on. Anyway I will look for your work and the updates. Hope you have lots of fun.
Hey Welcome!
and don't feel bad about that, for 10 years I plated RCT2 and could not make a coaster without an insane intensity rating, and had no idea how to use scenery
Hope you enjoy the community!
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]


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