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Hello there


My name is Stan, I'm a 18 years old guy from the Netherlands.
I'm a big coaster enthusiast, I love to visit themeparks as much as possible.
Currently I'm studying stage engineering, which basically means sound and lighting for the entertainment industry.
I also work part time at the themepark Slagharen, at the food and beverage department.

The main reason I made this account is to show my work, and see others.
I can't wait to hear from you all soon,
Hello Stan, im Jacob. Im 15 from the United States. I am also a huge coaster enthusiast. I love Disney and my goal in life is to become a Disney Imagineer.
Hello stan I am also from the Netherlands im also 18 years old and i would like to post some of my things and to look to all those great works
Hey Stan, I am Bruno, 24 years old and from Belgium (dutch speaking).
Hi and welcome!
Welkom Stan! Wink
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Thanks for all the nice welcomes. It's nice to meet you all!

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