Hey, I have about 12 scenarios for ya all to download, as well as a couple tracks.
I do have a question though, have any of ya tried to make a 4-track roller coaster?
I've tried 3, and 2. But not 4, is it even fathomable?
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Coaster Enthusiast
Four is only possible if the stations are of different lengths and you drop/raise the ends of the other coasters appropriately. Naveisawesome made a quad dueler a few rounds back, I believe I faced off against it in the first round of Build-It I ever entered - The Space Race V.S. Ryu I believe?
Team CoasterTech
I just started building a seven-tracked coaster. The first draft is almost finished. It won't be available for download, but there will be a video involved.
I've tried 4, but couldn't get too much farther. I downloaded a 9-tracked Giga coaster from some site, that's the most I've EVER seen. But other than that, not much else.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!