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Vote for your favorite track! Round 216

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 216 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Povoat

[Image: 565952819649f.jpg]

#2: Demon

[Image: 5659ee6521ae4.png]

#3: StarWars:The FORSE AWAKENS,the ride

[Image: 5659eed96b411.png]

#4: Ana's Wild Adventure

[Image: 565a1198f2c30.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Sunday, December 6
Povoat gets my vote.

Demon didn't have enough time spent into it, Star Wars Force Awakens could use some more screenshots, and Ana's Wild Adventure looks like it was made in 20 minutes, no offense. It needs more scenery.
I need a new signature.
same thoughts as china really, although povoat isn't perfect either, it still is very bland on the outside, but it gets my vote simply cause its better than the other 3
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

Povoat - The track design is kind of an interesting knot form, and although it isn't particularly realistic, it still looks good in RCT2. The scenery is alright in the green area, but looks rather barren in the desert portion. At the very least, bulrushes could be added and possibly cacti to make it look more like a landscape and less like a flat surface. I do like that little building right before the helix.

Demon - Wooden supports are an important part of any RMC, and unless the supports actually look like they're supporting the track, it's difficult to pull off the image. In some portions, such as the lift hill and first inversion, and the loop, the track contains unnecessary supports, while during the second half of the ride, it's severely under-supported for an RMC. If you're going to use custom scenery for catwalks and accessories, it would help the RMC effect to have more realistic looking wooden supports as well. Other than the supports, there's minimal scenery, no station building, no foliage, and no terrain editing whatsoever. What I will give it credit for is being the only entry that gave an adequate representation of the ride by providing more than four screenshots.

Star Wars - This could be a phenomenal ride, and we'd have no way of knowing from the four screenshots provided. The space effect is impressive, but all we can see is flat track with some Star Wars scenery and, in the final image, the beginning of a drop in a random grass patch in the middle of space.

Ana's Wild Adventure - With $139,000, Ana could have an adventure filled with exciting drops and hills and spectacular scenery. Instead, Ana gets a minimalist coaster that completely lacks scenery. The first drop, which takes place in reverse, looks like it would be exciting, but after that, it's just a couple tiny hills with some curves, and then the ride ends.

Even though none of these seemed complete, and all of them could use significant improvement, the one that seemed the most complete was Povoat, so that one receives my voat--err, vote--this round.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
@Terry Inferno, how far off was Povoat from being 'completed?' Yes, I know, it could use much more scenery, anything else?
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Sooooo...... Why is this a round? Sorry people but NONE of these are complete and if you're going to enter an RCT3 coaster YOU NEED A POV or AT LEAST more than 4 screenshots.

May as well give constructive criticism eh?

- Povoat - Claimed my vote because it can loosely be considered done.
Suggestions: Add either scenery or foliage to at least make us think there is stuff around the ride, my biggest pet-peeve is seeing rides with nothing but emptiness surrounding them.

- Demon - Please read ALL of my suggestions and take them to heart.
Suggestions: Add realistic supports (perhaps try finding an RMC CTR?). Make a layout that looks smooth and add SOME scenery (supports don't and never will count). If you're going to operate on RCT3 you NEED a POV in order for us to judge it accordingly.

- Star Wars the Force* Awakens - First of all the typo in the name instantly threw me off (just my inner grammar Nazi).
Suggestions: If you're going to add a ride into Build-It! make it so we can SEE THE RIDE please! Again POV's are a necessity for RCT3!

- Ana's Wild Adventure - I've played the series long enough to know you can do better than this m8...
Suggestions: Add scenery around the ride! You have the same empty look around the ride as Povoat, the only difference is that Povoat actually has SOME scenery directly around the ride. (Add foliage too).

So in the end this shouldn't have been a round as none of the entries were actually done (as far as one can see based on the presentation). Furthermore I'd like to stress that I'm not trying to be offensive with what I wrote regarding your entries I'm simply trying to present constructive criticism to help you better your future entries (*cough* Making sure your entries are complete and not rushing them out *cough*).
Team CoasterTech

Foliage is very important, especially smaller items such as shrubs, as it allows the terrain to actually look like terrain and not just like a flat painted surface. Trees and shrubs help take the coaster out of the game setting and put it into a park setting, which adds to the realism of the design and ultimately helps complete it.

Povoat could use much more foliage, especially in the background region. With unlimited money, you could even vary the altitude of the background terrain if you wanted to. Since screenshots capture so much more than just the coaster itself, it's important that even the surrounding areas look like as much effort was put into them as the coaster itself and its immediate vicinity.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
Vote goes to Povoat
I'm not voting, this is not a round. Complete your coasters, then enter!
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I like how it actually says you aren't eligible(sort of), it didn't do that before. At the top it says you already voted then says you aren't eligible to vote next to the tracks that's the only thing that's weird about it in 5.0.
http://tobiaslindsay.wix.com/-lemurs-eighteen :my website

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