Has a very ironic fear of drops
As a former complete star wars nerd and still a star wars lover, I must say I really can't wait
However keep in mind that the phantom menace had some pretty cool trailers as well and we all know how that turned out….
Jar Jar Banks haters of the world unite!
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i have no idea whats going on in this thread
Nor do I drew.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Yeah, but even if the trailers are awesome; Disney knows how to make movies.
Add me on any of these sites!
Steam: XGN | Maverick360
Discord: Maverick360 #6799
Gmail: [email protected]
Youtube: Maverick360
Star Wars has some classic quotes.
"Warp speed ahead!"
"The enemy cannot push a button.... if you disable his hand."
"No more Mr. Nice Gaius!"
"1.21 Gigawatts!"
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"
Coaster Enthusiast
XD I thought it was an actual list until I read em LOL
"But Marty, how are we possibly going to generate 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity to power the flux-capacitor?"
Team CoasterTech