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Vote for your favorite track! Round 222

Matthew, Mustang is a NoLimits 2 coaster, you have VERY little to work with on scenery. Considering the SHEAR difference between RCT3's and NL1/2's scenery options, I actually think Mustang is very close to beating Side Split.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
There is downloadable custom scenery for NL2, but the amount that currently exists is incomparable to RCT3's selection of thousands of enormous downloadable sets, so most of the custom objects used to build NL2 coasters must be made from scratch using a program such as Sketchup. Since the same programs can be used to build both RCT3 and NL2 custom scenery, the capabilities are about the same--the difference is that most RCT3 players on this site use downloaded custom scenery rather than scenery they build from scratch, whereas NL2 players don't have many options when it comes to prefabricated custom scenery.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]

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