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Hello There

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to formally introduce myself, I'm Mryddin (Gareth), I'm 37 and  from Johannesburg South Africa, when it comes to gaming my background is Flight Simulation which includes some add-on development.

I've had RCT3 in my collection of Games for many years, however have always been a casual user of RCT3, I never downloaded any add-nos or got into to making my own content for RCT3 UNTIL NOW!

a few weeks ago I decided to go back to playing RCT3 after a long break from playing it and so had discovered the online RCT3 community which has sparked a new found interest in RCT3 to the point that I've in a few weeks managed to already create a few of my own CS items

That's my story
Thank you for this forum.
Welcome to the site mate!

P.S. I've always wanted to visit South Africa!

P.S.2 The same for me! I have the game for a long time but have found this community got me back the desire to play!
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