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new from ohio

hello all my name is chris. I have been playing the rct games and own all of them since they came out. I never tried custom work till now and love it. I am here to learn and hopefully make the gaming better.
Hi and welcome! If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and help. I play mostly Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum, Planet Coaster and Cities Skylines. But there are several on this site who play RCT1 and RCT2. Hope you will share your work. Smile
Welcome to the forums; hope you can enjoy your stay. Smile
Hey! Now we have 2 Chris's!
Add me on any of these sites!

XGN | Maverick360
Discord: Maverick360 #6799
Gmail: [email protected]
Youtube: Maverick360
Sweet, another me who has also been here (with the series I mean) from the beginning! Welcome to the site and feel free to post anything you have questions/concerns/thoughts/comments on or would simply like feedback.
Team CoasterTech

Hey hey! Welcome to the site! If ya have question, comments, suggestions, or CC, do let us know!

It's also fun we now have two Chris'. (We probably have more considering the 17k(?) list of members)
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!

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