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Instructions for Image Posting/Converting

For anybody wanting to post pics of their park, here are some instructions!

Converting and Image from BMP to JPG

1. Open the image in Microsoft Picture it, Paint, or any other picture software.

2. When image is loaded, go to file, save as.

3. The Save-As window will be loaded. Move cursor to the bottom of the window. There will be a bar that allows you to choose the file type. Click on bar.

4. Scroll down until you see the one that has JPEG Interchange Format

5. Choose that one and click save.

6. Your image is saved, you can now upload it!

How to Upload/Post an image

1. Upload the image, Imageshack is a great choice

2. After it is uploaded, it will take you to the codes page. Scroll down to the one that has Direct Link beside the code.

3. Copy that code

4. In your message type [IMG]

5. Paste code*

6. Type [/IMG]

7. Your done....image should show up!

*make sure that there are no spaces between the url and the [IMG] tags!

How to make a image a link
Say you have a picture and you want to link it to a site, not the location of the pic:

1. Do above instructions.
2. Use the [url] tags around it with the url.
Found this converter (BMP_2_JPG) that saves a lot of time converting pics for uploading. I found it at http://medlem.spray.se/converters/ and there are alot more free converters to fool around with. I found the best way to use this (BMP_2_JPG) converter is to unzip it to a "New Folder" and you have to drag and drop your BMP pics so, where ever you dragged them from that's where the JPG will be saved. It's a very simple process and it will saves mucho time from opening with paint or other paint-like programs and resaving. From my observation, it doesn't cut on quality AND it also reduces the size from the RCT3 "ScreenShot" BMP 2.25 mbs to JPG 32kbs.
For resizing photos I found a Paint program called PAINT.NET This will do the same as PaintBrush plus a whole lot more. Since I don't have the good stuff to make and edit great photos like what rct3x made for my sig, I found this to work great for converting and resizing photos. There is so much more that can be done with this program and I am still learning the ropes. If you check out the website you'll get a better idea of what it can do. I'm pretty sure you will need the .NET Framework, hence the name Paint.NET, in order to run the program.
To make easy .gif photos find your way to UNFREEZE
[Image: 1.jpg]
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