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Poll: Which park idea sounds the most interesting?
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Oil Rig Theme Park
1 7.14%
Ice Factory Theme Park
1 7.14%
Historic Theme Park
3 21.43%
Roller Coaster Memorial Theme Park
9 64.29%
Total 14 vote(s) 100%
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RCT3 Park Ideas

Lately, I've been coming up with plenty ideas for parks, and I'd love to get some feedback. I'm not sure why, but RCT3 Platinum isn't in the list, but it's the one that I play on. If an idea gets enough comments wanting to see the park, I'll go and build it. Also know that I don't use Custom Scenery, since I have a nice, new computer I don't want to possibly infect with viruses, so I want to build these types of parks without the use of CS items.

Idea 1- Oil Rig themed park

An amusement park based on a large, abandoned oil rig in the middle of the ocean.

It would be a spooky/mechanical feel to it, and maybe sport a rollercoaster or two on the rig, along with water transportation to get to a different oil rig in the ocean.

Idea 2- Ice Factory themed park

An amusement park that takes place near a factory that cuts and supplies ice near the Antarctic, could have part of the ocean in the park.

It would be a winter/mechanical theme going on. Maybe using the glass walls to recolor as ice, and making use of the mist machines in the game

Idea 3- Retro theme park

An amusement park based on historic amusement rides.
[Image: 1*4n78_M7yalMq5UdQ_RbKnQ.jpeg]
This is a roller coaster from 1820, this is basically like a fun slide and a roller coaster combined, as single riders would race down a slope, and the cars would be returned to the top by the riders themselves(But I could use the lift-chain instead and let the riders off at the bottom). These kinds of coasters have always interested me for some reason.

The colonial scenery in the Platinum version would work extremely well for this idea!

Idea 4- Memorial to Roller Coasters theme park

In this idea, I'd be recreating roller coasters from certain abandoned theme parks and give people some history on the park and the coaster each one comes from. The theme park would have a broken down feel to it, and I'd have to make the scenery give that feel.

Which idea was your favorite? Vote now!

Any questions or ideas you have for the ideas I had here, feel free to comment! I posted these ideas hoping for some feedback!
All seem interesting and I think that perhaps instead of making full parks with the ideas (as that can be time consuming and people generally abandon parks half-way through construction) perhaps making downloadable scenarios would be a good idea?
Team CoasterTech

Hm, so you mean build a scenario possibly halfway through to let users put their own touches and designs into my idea? I like it, and agree with the idea some builders can lose their motivation while building, as you've reminded myself I can be like that sometimes.

However, I honestly happen to have no idea how to share my scenarios. If it means anything, I'm using RCT3 Platinum that I bought through Steam.

If I were to pick which one I'd like to work on first, I think the Retro/Historic park is screaming my name. I actually have a book in my house somewhere about the history of roller coasters that I could look through and get ideas from it now that I think about it.

Upon reading my book about the roller coaster in the third idea, It's called "The French Grooved Track".
The first ride of this type was constructed in 1817 in Paris by the French. They used carts with wheel axles that extended into grooved tracks, which could safely keep the vehicles on the track.
This ride actually used the a primitive cable system to pull cars to the peak, which the whole idea of the "Chain Lift" was born.

This style of roller coaster was based off the 'Russian Ice Slides' which were made in the fifteenth century.

There was your roller coaster history lesson of the day! Smile
There's a mode called "Scenario Editor" which allows you total control over the park you're creating as opposed to Sandbox where you just build. When uploading content I believe you just pick Scenario instead of Park file, I'd suggest adding objectives to the parks that are rather difficult (or maybe just a decent challenge).
Team CoasterTech

Okay, I know what Scenario Editor is, but I have no idea how to make the file for the park available to the public. ^^'

However, I started working on Idea 3, I've rebuilt my own version of the French Grooved Track ride like in the picture in the first post as well.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with, if you need help uploading your files when they're done just PM me and I'll be happy to help.
Team CoasterTech

Okay, Thanks! Smile

Also, it seems everyone is into the idea of the Memorial Park idea I had as well, I'll consider getting to work on that after I complete creating the Historic Park Scenario.
Hey Guys can anyone try to add Dusty Green in rct2 on rct3 if u can Wink
I think the scenario Idea is good, and my favorite concept is the ice themed area. You could possibly incorporate and indoor waterpark, or make the whole entire park indoor. I am currently experimenting with Rct3 myself.
One issue though... what would you use for the industrial/factory scenery without using CS?
You could make the retro park as a full park if it is your favorite, but It would take a long time to make all of them. I do not think the memorial park is such a good idea, as it does not really have a decisive theme, whereas the other ideas have clear themes.
You could even make the industrial Ice one a Disney Frozen theme Wink
iff any ones done dusty greens do bumbly bazaar in rct3 soaked and wild please Wink

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