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Video Awards General Discussion

lol i can do wrecks its just that its unbearably slow doin videos lol
Member of the month - October - 2006
Yay. Icicles.
yeah I know. What I do is plan out everything first before I record. Planning on paper first sometimes helps me out. Once I know what I want I set up the cameras and save them and then scheldule (in real time) when I have time to record them. that maze vid I did took just under 4 hours to record and the coaster was under 30 min. I knew with the maze I could leave the computer for a while and do something else until it finished. It is very slow but it produces the best quality and the quality is what I like so I have to be patient and let it run its course. What I don't like is sacrificing qualty in order to upload it to a site that isn't going to take all day to download.
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5 videos FOR YOU
lol wat do you mean by setup cameras? im slightly confused (infact very) i will learn one day lol
Member of the month - October - 2006
Yay. Icicles.
The flying camera path editor. I set it where I want it first and save it, and then go back to record
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
oh cool so do you just have to press the hotkeys (watevr thay are) and then use that editor then record cool i must try it.
Member of the month - October - 2006
Yay. Icicles.
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5 videos FOR YOU
That would be funny, i'll consider that idea. :twisted:
:twisted: Ah-Ha! Kill em all, but in a nice way. Can't wait to see what you come up with.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
Hey, how about this? "The World's Worst Themeparks"
That sounds interesting... I'm in.
[Image: 1.jpg]
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