Mar 7, 2017, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: Mar 7, 2017, 09:42 PM by Brixenivy.)
First attempt at a racer and I went a little nuts. Timing is not quite 100% due to my inability to start 4 tracks at once. I tried to adjust the delay at the station but I can't figure it out.
EDIT: I'm gonna try to upload the set of them tomorrow in case anyone wants to tinker with them.
Right and left are mirrored (seemed like a simple concept at the time). Can't quite get the timing right to have all four climb the at the same time. Any advice would be appreciated.
Racing coasters are much easier to build when the stations are in contact with each other (see Colossus, Rolling Thunder, and Raven Racer tracks ingame). That allows you to check the box that says Synchronize with adjacent stations, which will send the trains out of the station at the same time.