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Wildcat - Round 261 Winner

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 261 Winner

Congratulations to Chimalion's Wildcat, the latest winner of RCTgo's Build It Competiton! Wildcat beat the other three entries with 12 votes and 39% of the vote.

Wildcat is a custom looper that I spent awhile making. It features 165 foot hill, a 140 foot drop reaching speeds of 65 mph, 8 inversions which include a dive loop, 3 vertical loops, a batwing, and a double corkscrew.

Votes cast:
The Woodsman - 8 votes
1,2 SWITCH! - 3 votes
Forest Rage - 8 votes
Wildcat - 12 votes
Congrats Chima, I suggest you include a POV (and more screenshots) with your future entries.
Team CoasterTech

Congratulations. The time and effort put into the layout and the supports definitely shows!
[Image: 7sFmb4x.jpg]
¡Viva Mexico!
I definitely agree that your entries need a POV. It majorly helps the entry. Though it could hurt it too.

Anyways, congrats on the win! Nice to see another NL2 win.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
I know what I have to work on. Adding tons of trees, better landscape, and design. I also have struggles coming up with names.

Also, congrats Chim, you were my pick to win. From the pictures, it looked like everything flowed very well.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975
grats on a good job!
Great job tho congrats
I'm useless, but not for long, the future, is coming on
^ I still exist. I'm pretty low key, on this site and in real life, but I'm here
I need a new signature.

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