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Vote for your favorite track! Round 271

I still just do not get why you continue to blame us for a situation you yourself started. We have been nothing but calm, kind, and collected as we tried to get you to see a different viewpoint as to why anonymity is in the rounds, but why revealing WHO entered is bad, and revealing which ENTRY you voted for, is not.

We have tried, and tried, and tried, and tried to get you to see that we mean you no harm, none at absolute all, yet you betray our thoughts and negate any voice we have whatsoever.

To call us the attackers when we have yet to do anything is wrong. I would expect better from a forty-three year old woman.

If you still insist that you must leave, so be it. I am frankly tired, and PO'd at that this topic is still being discussed. Get. Over. It. It is not that big of a deal, especially to which, you want to leave after being here for nearly four years.
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