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Hello everyone, and thanks for having me! Loved RCT when it was free in my box of cereal and still love it today. I was overjoyed to hear that the Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic would allow me to play my favorite game on my Mac! 

Having said that, I was wondering if anyone has any insight into the problem I am having! I bought the game off of Steam first off, and its the Roller Coaster Tycoon classic for Mac. I was trying to download Scenarios from this lovely site and tracks but they don't seem to want to work. Yet when I try parks they more or less work flawlessly, I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem. Sorry if this is not the right place, and hope you all have happy gaming.
Welcome to the site, Wiki! If you have more questions, be sure to ask us here, or on our Discord server found here: https://discord.gg/xFfFsbG.

I sure hope you find this site well. Enjoy!

About your issue, I have no inklings with Steam, so I cannot help there. However, from what I can tell, RCTC on PC and Mac was a bad decision to buy according to many others who reviewed it. If I were you, I'd much rather you get RCT2 (from Steam) and then get OpenRCT2 (which is free). Combine the two games, and you have something vastly better than RCTC. Plus, you can even get all the scenarios from RCT1 and 2 in OpenRCT2. No need for classic, amirite? Wink

If you can't/don't want to buy RCT2 (which is still cheap, might I add), all I can say is enjoy RCTC. You are missing out on a huge opportunity by not having RCT2 + OpenRCT2.

Anyways, welcome to the site once more! Enjoy your stay! Smile
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Welcome to the site, WikipediaSays! Smile

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