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A list of known bugs

Hey everyone, we know Atari reads the forums, and they have said they would look into releasing a patch for Soaked after finishing up Wild. So now that Wild is about to be released, how about we get together to give Atari a list of flaws they can fix for Soaked.

Cheers Tikitiki Smile
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Good idea tikitiki! I havent found may bugs so this post can be deleted in a bit!

I just posted to say good idea!
the frame rate randomly drops...it goes from like 45 to 1 then to 45 again...its really annoying...
[Image: sigsoaked5wv.jpg]
I noticed that the pools really take its toll on the F/R, but I guess that has more to do with my computer than the game itself.

Of course there's the admiring the view bug. Other than that I don't know...
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5 videos FOR YOU
I have many bugs in my System, mainly with the cockroaches partying on my Chipset Heatsink, then along comes Woody the Woodlouse who decides to commit suicide by throwing himself into my HD fan, thus causing a burnout, losing copious amounts of Work that id done on RCT3.GGrrrrrr i hate bugs....seen Starship Troopers.
ahhh. the evil crashes... Well this is over, so I shall close this Smile
[Image: 7.jpg]

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