Actually all I did was post the footage of me following the Prima's strategy guide tutorial to build a wooden coaster to test my recording software. I don't even know if there's any reason to play through the scenarios in a Let's Play/Livestream series or not. What do you think, as members of an RCT community?
Nice! Congrats on making it to YouTube.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Thanks. I've actually been on YouTube before. I used to work for one real piece of work, but as for a personal channel, I've finally gotten started. Really happy to be getting back into the video making too.
Have a couple low quality cell phone videos up, but the OBS test was basically the first good quality video I was working on. Just getting information on how to incorporate a built-in laptop webcam through the software (in the past when I worked with other people, they had external web cams), and hopefully will starting getting some stuff up.
Several projects in the works but trying to start on a Let's Play/Livestream level as one of the projects is scripted and between three writers we keep getting stuck lol.