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RCT2 I want to play scenarios I downloaded but alas, I am dumb

I'm not the MOST savvy when it comes to rooting around in files, but I've tried to follow every how-to on here and just found through Google and I can't seem to make it work. Also, this is my first day using OpenRCT2.

I want to play scenarios in OpenRCT2 that I downloaded, but can't figure out how to open them or play them. I've put the scenario .sc6 files directly into the "scenario" folder in the OpenRCT2 stuff, but I've got no clue how to "activate" them. When I open the game, the only scenarios available for play are the ones from RCT2 (and all the expansions).

I'm playing on a Windows 10 PC and have RCT2 through Steam.

Help me, I'm dying to play!

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