Dec 13, 2020, 03:10 PM
Posting this to save others some grief.
I wanted to have two monorails running the perimeter of my park on two tracks, concentric circles one running clockwise the other counterclockwise, with four stations (north, east, south, west) adjacent on each track, and three trains on each track with block signals. Theoretically three trains running equally spaced in each direction with four stations each having a track in each direction.
Doesn't work at all. The game apparently considers the adjacent stations as a single station, when a train is in a station on either track no other train will approach that station from either direction til that train leaves. In practice the monorails moved about every fifteen minutes. Removing the block signals gets the trains moving, but invariably one breaks down, the others stack up behind it, and they end up running nose to tail from station to station from then on. The only way I got this to work was having only one monorail on each track, so no need for block signals; but the route was so long guests then complained of the wait. An alternative was to tear down the stations on one track and move them at least one tile away from the other station, but this negated my entire design concept (and wasn't feasible in this park due to so much construction near by).
I wanted to have two monorails running the perimeter of my park on two tracks, concentric circles one running clockwise the other counterclockwise, with four stations (north, east, south, west) adjacent on each track, and three trains on each track with block signals. Theoretically three trains running equally spaced in each direction with four stations each having a track in each direction.
Doesn't work at all. The game apparently considers the adjacent stations as a single station, when a train is in a station on either track no other train will approach that station from either direction til that train leaves. In practice the monorails moved about every fifteen minutes. Removing the block signals gets the trains moving, but invariably one breaks down, the others stack up behind it, and they end up running nose to tail from station to station from then on. The only way I got this to work was having only one monorail on each track, so no need for block signals; but the route was so long guests then complained of the wait. An alternative was to tear down the stations on one track and move them at least one tile away from the other station, but this negated my entire design concept (and wasn't feasible in this park due to so much construction near by).