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Wacky Coaster Rumors?

^What's the Staminator Hoax? I already know what BGT stands for, (Busch Gardens Tampa) lol
I need a new signature.
I heard like 6-7 years ago that six flags was going to buy out this giant lot that's like a 20 min drive from my house where a current USA flea market is residing and build a new park there... That definitely excited little 10 year old me lol. At least like 3-4 hotels were built right near that area all at once in anticipation of it, all thanks to a rumor.

I remember hearing about this Staminator thing, here's a link if you want to read about it http://www.theonion.com/articles/busch-g...e-c,36691/
kinda dissapponted the staminator didnt go through
You want crazy? Okay, so I go to BGW (Busch Gardens WIlliamsburg), and it was my first time to try for the Griffon, but, alas, twas' not my first try at all. In fact, I went on it 32 times in a row. I was their number #1 rider for the day. Tell ya what, I'll NEVER do that again. Next time, maybe I'll only go on it 31 times. Wink
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When Cedar Fair bought Michigan's Adventure, there was a strong rumor that a Morgan Hyper was going to be built. The plans were already laid out and everything, but for some reason it never happened. A hotel was also part of it, but that never happened either. That sort've happened as Duck Creek RV Resort across the street opened about 5 years ago.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975
idk what to say.

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