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Lost in the new version of OpenRCT 2 – Help Needed!

Hi everyone! Members, fans, or real addicts of Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 and 2! (Personally, I’ve been a fan since 1998...)  Smug

I’ll keep it short and use simple sentences, as my English isn’t perfect. Google Translate could help, but I’m too worried it might get things wrong and confuse you along the way. Eek
Er... I’m almost certain that the topic I’ve just started has already been addressed somewhere on the forum... I’ll try to keep the explanation brief. Two days ago, my computer crashed. As a result, several games decided to disappear. (I don’t have many, just Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 with the CD, OpenRCT 2, and Zoo Tycoon Complete Edition). Zoo Tycoon Complete Edition was reinstalled without a hitch, but "OpenRCT 2", which I downloaded from this site: https://openrct2.io/download, gave me some trouble. I went for this version: Download Latest Release v0.4.18 — Windows — 69.4 MiB — Signed. Ninja

The main issue is that in the old OpenRCT 2 folder, there used to be subfolders like "tracks" and "scenario". These two are now missing. Why am I bringing this up? Because this site allows you to add new attractions, scenarios, maps, and more. I had saved the "tracks" I downloaded on an external drive, thinking that by simply re-adding them, the game would register them automatically… but no, nothing works. Frown 

In the current folder of the new version I downloaded, I only have: assetpack, language, object, scenario patches, sequence, shaders... and that’s it. In the old version of OpenRCT 2 I had, there were many more folders: chatlogs, desyncs, heightmap, keys, landscape, object, plugin, replay, save, scenario, screenshot, sequence, serverlogs, themes, tracks.

When I added new attractions, I would place them in the "tracks" subfolder, and the new maps (scenarios) in the "scenario" folder... But now, literally nothing works! The "tracks" were in .td6, and the scenarios were in .sc6. In this new version, there are no "tracks", but instead a "ride" folder, and the files are in .json.

Anyway, I’m completely lost! I’ve been using OpenRCT 2 for 6 years without issues, but this new version is really throwing me off. If I, a small lost French guy, am asking for help, it’s because I really need it. Thanks you !

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
files go into Users\yourname\Documents\OpenRCT2 now

if you need support from now on go to https://www.reddit.com/r/openrct2

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