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Meridian Medway 90% Complete

Wow! that's very cool pic's Thanks.

Bad news.......had some serious lag issues after i completed the section.I spent over 2 hours finding the problem, and found it was the large lake with the windsurfing and stuff.Ive had to delete the lake and all, but kept the buildings....and gone from there.Ive also changed the exit.Grrrrrrrrrrrr, LAG.
Sorry there hasnt been an update lately guys, ive done no work on it at all in the last couple of weeks, been decorating fraid.I will start again in the next week or so, and ive a few good ideas.....lets hope these ones work!!!
HOLY ****! that park looks awsome!!!!!!!!
[Image: 7.jpg]
Good luck to you G-man! Love it so far and can't wait to see more..
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
WOW great park, i especially like the Hyperspeed XL !
G-man Wrote:Bad news.......had some serious lag issues after i completed the section.I spent over 2 hours finding the problem, and found it was the large lake with the windsurfing and stuff.Ive had to delete the lake and all, but kept the buildings....and gone from there.Ive also changed the exit.Grrrrrrrrrrrr, LAG.

so sad b/c the lake looked so good. You could have just emtied the lake and filled when just taking pics or shooting vids. That way there wouldn't be any lag during your construction.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
There wasnt any lag during construction.....only when i temporarily opened the park...it is sad, as it took ages to do.But ive got the pictures to savour, where the lake is, ill be putting twin coasters in.And a few of the buildings will be replaced with more appropriate ones.Just looking forward to starting again, probably in a week.
oh well. I know it will be good. what do you think [name] <---I love this tag
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
I Love the Name...how bout you....the colour is even better.Its become rather famous on the website, only adding to my prestige lol.

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