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how do u build rollercoaters underground?

ON the other versions u could build roller costers underground and into clifts / tunnels etc.

I cant seem to do it on rct3 - can anyone help ?
You have to have either Soaked or Wild! (the expansion packs) to build underground.
Howdy do-de rossaldred

There is a way to create tunnels without the expansion, but I wouldn't recommend it. No sense wasting your time on that when the expansion is already released. I think that was one of the biggest 'gripes' with RCT3 when it first came out, "No tunnels!?!?"
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
same here. My friend and me used to be really into RCT1 & 2 but when he got RCT3 and it had no tunnnels he stopped playin.
IMG: http://i13.tinypic.com/34sl1qh.jpg
I think If you hold the Left Shift key and lower the parts of the coaster, you might be able to build a coaster underground.
[Image: image.png]
New Disney Expansion pack, is it true
thaTs really sad that in RCT3 they totally skips the Underground building... when RCT1 & 2 had it.. but in 3 you have to buy another expansion pack to do so...

You can get tunnels in the latest patch for RCT3

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