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Scary group park (II)

I'm resurrecting the Halloween Theme group park becasue it never got finished and I don't think it ever would have. I'm not sure if some of the people working on it would still like to, and some of the people that were supposed to work on it, I don't know what happen to them.
For the people still on the list you have the right to remain or if you want off you have that right as well.

The List
Rct3x     Soaked + Wild -FINSHIED
-N-        Soaked + Wild
coasterboy123 Soaked + Wild -FINISHED
endoftheworld  Soaked + Wild -FINIHSED
could be you [name] (to join PM me)
could be you [name] (to join PM me)
myself      Soaked + Wild

The original thread can be found HERE!

Click HERE for a short video teaser.

These are the customs that are used so far:

Marnetmar's Dark Ride Set
Pumper's Dark Ride Set
Pumper's SteelWorx
Klinn's FrameWork and Structures

Click HERE to download these four.

FYI: These custom are good for Wild! If you wish to use Wild! make sure everyone else who is working on the park has Wild! also. You must have Soaked! If you wish to use other custom scenery please post what you used.

Creators Websites:




Here are some pics of what is in the park whoever receives it first:



If you are interested in working on this park or if you're on the list and you do or do not want to work on the park, just leave a post and once we get everyone committed to working on it along with the order, I'll PM the first guy/gal with the park.

Any comments question/suggestions feel free!
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5 videos FOR YOU
I'll join, if you need another person.
[Image: rct3x.co.uk2r.jpg]

Current Projects- The Lost Island
Im on the list, so im still up for it Smile
ahhh sweet! Ok, "endoftheworld" you're in!

rct3x would you like to go first? or who would like to go first?
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
do i need to download the other custom scenery that has been used?
I was sent the park, so I guess I go next. Just to make sure, do I have as long as I want to construct my area?
[Image: rct3x.co.uk2r.jpg]

Current Projects- The Lost Island
You were sent the park? When?
-N- Wrote:do i need to download the other custom scenery that has been used?

^yeah you might want to.

What expansions do everone have. If you don't have Wild! then It's best if you go first.
[Image: 1.jpg]
5 videos FOR YOU
I'll go 1st, yeah Smile
rct3x do you have both Soaked and Wild?
[Image: 1.jpg]
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