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Hello O.o

Hey there, my name is Jcranjel, and I'm a noob

anyways I just randomly saw a ad for this on the atari forums and thought i'd drop by since the RCT series is one of my favorites lol
[Image: rocketknightsigcopy.jpg]
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Hey Jcranjel, and welcome to RCTgo! Apparently our partnership with the Atari Community / our membership of their fansite program has helped Biggrin
Wait... we joined Atari?!

Anyway, WELCOME! 8D
[Image: rctzmainpicsig5cn.png]
My Website! www.rctzone.co.nr

My theme parks:
Space World
lol, hi
[Image: rocketknightsigcopy.jpg]
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Welcome to the RCTgo forums, I have a record of stealing these threads so let's not break with tradition!

If you need some help Pm Belloman
He really does smell O'ManWink
There's the chicken too
Oh yeah and You
Merry Drayton Monkey
He's real Funky!
So get involved and have some fun
Have a smile and stop being glum

[Image: newsig.gif]
hi and welcome to RCTgo
[Image: jag100banner.gif]
DaDude Wrote:Wait... we joined Atari?!
Well, we are a member of their fansite program. If you've ever visited their forums and looked at the advertisement at top, our banner should be in that advertisement every now and then. And plus we are listed in their fansite threads Wink

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